Jesus is God; de la soul knows this

read Psalm 51 (or listen to Alex Scourby read it too you.)

if you’d only believe; everything is possible for those who believe…

War is hell. Americans in Iraq Fatalities Total: 4900

Same here: Americans in Afghanistan Fatalities Total: 3576

Each state’s citizen’s fallen. Thank them who do, still, die for what? the3rdonlive.wordpress He says: STOP IT

yea, what he said, forgive an enemy

honest patriotism

… Jesus is God … Greetings friends,
seems that this speech is all the more meaningful at this very time, will we get past bigotry!


June http://en.gravatar, 2020 9:14.35 AM

How is the one true God distinguished from all false gods?

“The Lord is the true God, He is the living God, and an ever lasting King; The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens, He had made the heavens. He has made the earth by His power, He established the world by his wisdom, He hath stretched out the Heavens by His discretion.”

Jeremiah 1O:10-12

Why the King James Bible only?
is AS IF the above preview of a great movie is today’s news, you know it’s true. WE better wake up.
He is.

1990-1992 TH

stuff we dig, at least Dave does… a tiny bit of music Dave’s duga few films/music videos...

avthis just in: interesting…

– book?

watch – some may need to have the reality of God forced upon them, Forcing will never occur through us, or Him. Such choice is completely up to you, each to their awareness of the world not seen with their nude eye directs consideration of what is not obvious. but, those of us that

have the fear of God instilled in their their, then, tiny minds do count yourselves all fortunate and blessed. for a child’s mind is then much more malleable, it has a predetermined a slate or, blackboard on to which the basic working of the brain, the consciousness of a right and wrong

wound noodle the regulates the physical body that houses their soul. and inside that so very, in respect of the laws, or rule-book’s location. that fresh mind’s inside that noggin for the first few month’s or year’s of an unknown length of time: the life given them free of charge by God, to do

with as they wish. it will be filled. filled with what is the choice of the parents. that’s the load of initial words that come to mind. not edited as of yet. my own choice of an editor, Jose’, might do me the favor of suggesting a rewrite. yo no se’…

Don’t let stumbles stop you. Come and keep coming. Ask and continue asking. “Your heavenly

Father ]will[ give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him. Luke II-I3


An interesting [to us] side note to exclaim is: As growing up in TX, this ‘breakfast’ was our daily breakfast; we NEVER got sick. Some might doubt our claim; @ your own peril; Believe; we do…

The wicked flee when no man pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1

City of Dreams: 28202
 to have been a veteran,
respect that no one really
wants to earn; not that way.
Thank all vets from the bottom
of my heart and soul. so few the
population even heed’s those who
placed their life in the way of so much
tragedy they have absolutely no concept
of; therefor they do not respect any Marines,
Seamen, Soldiers, Airmen, Coast Guard men…
there should be a law that said every man who enjoys
those freedom’s bought via some good United States
Citizen laying down; in a deathly rest, making certain
all those born in a USA copntinue to have the rights
to continue doing things: refusing support
burn the flag, cuss police, to not honor Firemen, any of the few
first responders, any of the few selfless Americans who demonstrate THEIR love tour fine country…
now, we know Who’s the Operator, do we not?

some might claim that we post too readily to this blog; yet, let us share something with you all:

— the above video stands more today than the year it was produced by David Byrne. (Whose digs…) —
Believe, Trust Me. He has a plan for you that only you can work it out. You do not need to do so. Hie will…

THIS JUST IN: The Release of the Spirit

June 223 ‘m going to the office, of this apartment complex.

So, put away all falsehood and and ” tell your neighbour the truth

because we all belong to each other.” And, do not sin by letting

anger gain control over you. Don’t let the sun go down while

you are still angry, for anger gives, nightly, foothold to the

devil. If you are a thief, stop stealing. Begin using your

hands for honest work, give generously to others in

need. Do not use foul or abusive language. Let all

be good and helpful, so that your words will be

an encouragement to those who hear them.

Ephesians 4:25-29

Wherefore, putting away lying, a speak to every man truth with your neighbor:

for we are members one of another. 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the

sun go down upon your wrath: 27Neither give place to the devil. Let him

that stole steal not: but rather let him labor, works with his hands the

thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needs. Let

not corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. Amen

June 22

March 10, 2020

March 10, 2020


Mountain Spirit


Lent 1C
March 10, 2019Luke 4:1-13
Rev. James Dannals

    In some circles, today is known as Temptation Sunday.  Every year, on the first Sunday in Lent, we hear the story of Jesus’ temptation.  And whether we take our cue from Adam and Eve in the Garden, or from Jesus in the wilderness, we are invited to see what has gone wrong with God’s good world and to discover what our own temptation is really all about. 
   In the early church, the season of Lent developed as a time when catechumens, those preparing for Baptism, were formed, and mentored, in the Christian spiritual life.  And what they learned in Lent — what I believe we need to learn during Lent — are the very things we are tempted to avoid:

(1) Life is hard. 
(2) You are going to die. 
(3) You are not that important.
(4) You are not in control. 
(5) Your life is not about you.

    Authentic spirituality is always about letting go. To be signed with the cross in baptism, at the beginning of the journey, is to know ahead of time that Life is hard. That way you don’t waste your life trying to make it easy for yourself.  To know that life is hard is to know that the way of the cross is the way of Life.  

   You are going to die.  Without taking this truth deep in our inner being, we are trapped in a pathological cycle of trying to find whom to blame for it.  As Richard Rohr suggests, all of our wounds must become sacred wounds to prepare us for the final letting go.  In other words, what we need to learn in Lent is that authentic spirituality is about what you do with your pain.
   You are not that important.  The cycle of blame and shame leads to a vicious cycle of an inflated, and then a deflated, sense of self that will become addicted to the need for constant reassurance.  Humility, or authentic self-love, is the spiritual gift one receives from knowing that you are not that important.

   You are not in control.  The Lenten Journey, as with Jesus’ journey in the wilderness, is one of being led to the limits of our own resources and knowing our inability to control outcomes.  This way, we learn to rely upon one another and to trust in the goodness of God.
   Your life is not about you.  You are part of Something much bigger than yourself.  Your job is to listen, obey, and adore. We are part of a Great and Holy Mystery.  If we do not embrace this wondrous Good News, we are tempted to assume that we create all the patterns and it is our job to figure them out by ourselves.  In other words, our primary job is not calculation but contemplation. Contemplation teaches us that nothing is wasted.  There is a lesson in everything that happens to us.  And until you have lived through it, which means to have died in it, it is not yet true.

   One of my favorite Peanuts cartoons shows Lucy shouting to Charlie Brown: “You know what the whole trouble with you is, Charlie Brown?”  Charlie breaks out of a dazed look, peers angrily at Lucy and shouts, “No! And I don’t want to know!  Leave me alone!”  
   The third frame of the cartoon pictures Charlie stomping away from Lucy in disgust.  And the short story concludes with Lucy standing alone, shouting into the distance: “The whole trouble with you Charlie Brown, is you won’t listen to what the whole trouble with you is.”  We are indeed tempted to not listen to what the whole trouble with us is. 

   Peter Gomes wrote,



it is finished; very simple. from the beginning to the end, never a recommendation not just one.

“Temptation as an abstraction does not work very well, and that is why the writers of Gennesis are at very great pains to give temptation a personality, a persona, a character… Thus, in the story, Temptation is given the form of a serpent; a name, the Tempter; and qualities we will recognize and even appreciate. He is called the subtlest of all the creatures… (The) serpent has all the best lines, and we are meant to understand that the serpent is the actor and that Adam and Eve are acted upon.  There is neither anyone nor any thing to shield them from the impact of this, the mother of all temptations…   It reminds one of the Victor Borge piece where the Danish comic recalls a conversation between Adam and Eve…  where Eve, in a fit of unanticipated jealousy, asks Adam: ‘Do you really love me?’  And Adam replies,  ‘Who else?’ It is the intention of Genesis to give us as clear and uncluttered a view of the moral stage as possible, so that we will not fail to get it.”

   At the beginning of his ministry, as Jesus is beginning his life work, he encounters the Tempter in the wilderness.  This episode with the Tempter (in Greek diabolos and in Hebrew satan), this episode in the wilderness occurs immediately after Jesus’ baptism where he hears the words, “You are my beloved.”  Don’t you find it interesting that, immediately after the descent of the Spirit, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted?  Does this not suggest that, however much we may be vulnerable to temptation when we are struggling, and vulnerable to temptation when we are weak, Jesus’ temptations came at a moment of strength, when he was filled with the Spirit?  Is there not something for us to learn here?
    As Gomes reminds us:

“Temptation appeals to moral vanity.  Goodness is inevitably the host for the parasitical temptation, and thus goodness must be constantly addressed and challenged.  When people ask why preachers waste their time on the people in the pews, ‘preaching to the converted’ or ‘preaching to the choir,’ they fail to understand that it is those who aspire to goodness who most need to be reminded of and protected against the dangers of moral ambiguity that is the seed of Temptation. Those who are in church are like those who are in a hospital; they are not there because they are specimens of virtue or health.  They are there because they know their need.  Hospitals are not healthier places than other places, but in the hospital the weapons to fight the illness are ready at hand.”

   So too, it can be with us.    Whether we draw it from reflection upon the goodness of God’s creation or from the life which we as Christians feel ourselves to be beckoned, life as

intends it is a life of becoming.  It is life on the way as distinct from having arrived.  We are called to a dynamic, not a static way of being.  And as every adolescent knows, to this experience of becoming there belongs the sense of not-yet-being, not having achieved what one must achieve in order fully to be.  This sense of impermanence, this not-yet-being, this state of no-fixed-abode, is part of the goodness of God‘s creation.

   As much as we may be tempted to believe that our most dangerous enemy is terrorism, or an economic recession, immigration or those opposed to immigration, capitalism or socialism, republicans or  democrats; every year, on this day, the Church invites us to know that our greatest temptation is all about the desire to have arrived, the desire to possess a permanent abode, the desire to transcend the precariousness of life.

The temptation of Adam and Eve, the Temptation of Jesus, the Temptation of Everyman and Everywoman is to have their being rather than to receive it, daily, like the manna in the wilderness or the “daily bread” of Jesus’ model prayer.  It is the temptation to possess being rather than to trust the One who gives us our being, daily. 
   We have fallen asleep to our true nature.  We have fallen asleep to who we truly are: God’s beloved.  We live much of our lives in a trance.  We are so often mistaken in the way we see God and the way we see ourselves because we have fallen asleep to our true nature. 

We have fallen asleep to who we truly are.  We have failed to trust.

   Let us have the courage and the humility this Lent to be willing to listen to what the whole trouble with us is.


June 21

👍 Someone liked your comment:

“me? a head-injury, i feel you, exactly.
some people enjoy being no more; here., once, walked down the street. Say ‘hi’ to Edie for me, Paul. peace

June 20

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ACCEPTING STATUS QUOs get you nowhere




status is online: David Buckle’s independent label has one act: rIOrARErECORDS

in 1997, The second longest
ship afloat in the world, USS NORWAY David brotherDan so enjoyed each of our first cruise. man, the Norwegian’s sure know

Atrium HealthhisgentletouchFri, Jun 20, 5:26 PM (22 hours ago)

Billy Graham 1958


Billy Graham 1992

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is AIbEiAIAAABECIWG0fzrv4_txQEiC3ZjYXJkX3Bob3RvKigzYjFkZGE1NjVkMzA5ODM3NjgxMWYyNWY3NmY4MTNkNjA0MWQ0NTZjMAGjCoJmjroYgsZ4yPSbwmwIDJ4A8Q
to David BuckleFri, Jun 19, 5:06 PM (20 hours ago)

collection 2019

Billy Graham – Jesus Christ’s friendare we feeling helpless?

Eternity starts as soon as you accept Jesus Christ as your substitute, He loves you.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is cleardot.gif

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Atrium Health <>< ><>
Date: Fri, Jun 19, 2020, 2:41 PM what WHAT NC, IS TO US
Accepting the Status Quo is Simply Going Backward

Eugene A. Woods' Signature

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is AIbEiAIAAABECIWG0fzrv4_txQEiC3ZjYXJkX3Bob3RvKigzYjFkZGE1NjVkMzA5ODM3NjgxMWYyNWY3NmY4MTNkNjA0MWQ0NTZjMAGjCoJmjroYgsZ4yPSbwmwIDJ4A8Q

June 19

Those who trust God‘s action in them

find that God‘s Spirit is in them-living

and breathing God! Romans 8:6 Messages

June 18

Good Friday makes more sense than Pentecost.

Christ, our substitute. Jesus taking our place. The Savior

paying for our sins. These are astounding yet

embraceable concepts. The fall in the arena of transaction

and substitution, familiar territory for us. But Holy Spirit

discussions lead us into the realm of the supernatural and

unseen. We grow quickly quiet and cautious, fearing that

we cannot see or explain.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 5f4c916b29b5f6a3ba4225baa1647bd7.jpg
# 3 of Three: Lalania Riley (Hall)
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 8d4c78b6ad4e85785aec1dd9a63dbfa4.jpg
#2 of Three: Larry Hilshire

Now see/hear: this is not about me, but The Messenger activity. –

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 5beee4b0dce37624a8d84ec63eb2ce40.jpg
The Chief Commander: Lee Cammack will not ever, ever, ever ever give up on you. as longas you do not give up on Him; that’s a given…

pay attention; believe.

pay attention – are powerfulWhen we feel helpless?
ready for a coming calamity?

strengthen your own faith, along with this valued instruction, an eternal being, listen, learn…few understand their own gift of power that HeGave, that power is in all of us. listen to truth.
Why is it that when we speak to God, we are called pray-ers but when He speaks to us, we
‘re called schizophrenic? -o Lily Tomlin
He wakens me, morning by
morning; He awakens,
ears to hear
me morning by
morning, wakens
my ear, to listen like
one that is being taught.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 0-9-1.jpg
Paul Harvey speaks: n0FF13u13WE

view the3rdonlive @ wordpress.comriorarerecordsdecidedyearago
“once in a lifetime” ‘5IsSpAOD6K8’
X’s for Eyes is the act i spoke of that
would be when i got to college, John’s.
now, THAT was a bit tooo many ‘i’s,’ that
band was not, specific – wise, about David.
A promise, kept by Him. 1988 it was, after see
-ng THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS con Shannon Smith
AT ROCKEFELLERS stage. About a month ten days
AFTER me and mt Dad caught Maynard Ferguson do
his thing on his HIGH VOLTAGE tour. That inspiration
was smooth. It had a strangely recommending urge to it.
Set with inspiration, David found himself having lunch, in
Brazoswood HIGH School; with fellow jazz band-mates, (1st
lunch) as usual he had a great story to tell about his Thursday
night exploit with his Father. “Man! The club was too sweet, i:e
ROCKEFELLER’S, a stage was small but big enough to hold those
acts that David was int-o the venue was a disco, Dave did frequent
in late-hours/early-mornings that year, it’s side-stage in by the bayou
was the scene that week of our Houston dates: @ THE AXIOM/PTL; the
truth be known: PTL was gritty hole in the ground, the gig was the better
‘paper announcer’: PUBLIC NEWS that seems to have gone way of the dodo
PTL was not deserving of a refined actsuch as THEYMIGHT BEGIANTS, they
didn’t show at the disco by the river, blocks away from DOWNTOWNGROUNDS
space-city’s precursor to STARBUCKS; at least in that hamlet.. anyways; where we
headed? uh, ‘m not sure. the brain injury that met me in 1992 fiddles with this mind
still, it is not me who can
convince any of you; but
David can only share the
thing that woke me from
a slumber that began the
week after my ‘accident’.
in that period of time the
truth came. it’s the job of
me who was asleep like a
great many of you, my old
relations in my time being
a citizen of the best state for
us to grow inside of. freedom
was key; making mistakes, that
sort of freedom: to learn via the
trial’s and error of our ways. it is
that gift that had eclipsed October
second, 1992, 11:3?, as driving that
glorious honduh rebel 250. that type
of transportation is never one that you
should be warned from; THAT is not the
intent of this writing, in a style praised by
a junior year English teacher: RonRozelle.
to transfer mood, and provide insight to the
audience chosen about personal concepts was
the key ingredient: the university choice for me.

this ‘vaccine’ they (who are ‘they,’ well, ‘ll tell you:’) we don’t know, neither do any except them

* Who “theywho are ‘they who seem responsible for every organization’s bureaucratic hassles.

* How to stop looking for someone to blamE. someone or some thing to come to the rescue we are all alonecue. WE’RE ALL ALONE

* How to experience the job satisfaction and pleasure that comes from taking ownership,solving problems.

Who Are “They?”

UPDATE: we almost let the vanity of accomplishment and success reach deeper in our pockets…

let’s go suboceania, way, way down deep, deep down… you know, where the fish sleep.

THANK YOU, God, for the ability to spread your positiveness and love you have to us on earth.

supposedly ‘h i d d e n,’ yet, that was never the intent. for aware perusal check this one out, dig?

nothing but Christ

nothing but Christ

folk that did

what’s that

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when will you diethe drum gets louderif you remember, who they are1988Elon for president
written a few, not published, i figured, a better way of letting
population chosen to read our stuff is: World Wide Web.IMAGINE THIS BEING ATTUNED TO OUR VERY REALITY NOW, it’s like our present American life


Liz? how i wish we could share a telephone talk

we’ve to have more cowbell

Island Girl – John Stansal, composer

Last 30 days Audience size123k people ROTTEN; TO HAVE ADs ON OUR SIGHT’S we DON’T LIKE

in come live with me in the Unseen,




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i am not afraid to trust in The Holy Spirit. regardless of the recent statements of “i”, and it seeming vain and self-serving, let me assure you: Such is in no way factual, i work for Him.

a sort of enthused effort to garner past viewers to come back.

you go to funerals often, Harold?


and that being said all are encouraged to visit our sight on all remembered revisiting – there will be no ‘newer’ posts as of a few days ago. we had attempted to gain followers as nest as a wholesome ingredient provider can/could. all lurid posts, the mass of web-traffic seem to go the easy r0ute: seks, dogas & free stuff… “THERE ‘AIN’T NOTHING FREE, AND TOO DAMN LITTLE FOR A BUCK ANYMORE.” – well, there ya have it: the world is all consumed with the god of the air. it’s plan is for to do as you will, forgetting deserved ramifications. to those it is responded with displeasure coupled with pleasure; see… a sinful character are always welcome in Jesus’ corner, just as you are; no past behavior will be remembered, providing a sinners regret/faith is genuine. all are welcome. there is not a ticket, or ANY ‘price’ required. come as you are; He will not be fooled. GO AHEAD TRY. do enjoy His bigmercy to all.

.-.-.-.-. .-.-.-.-.

Mark Armstrong, The Wo

nothing but Christ
…………. …….. ..

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  .o.  .o. .o.

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28202 2017
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Tiffany P.

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1992. Be advised that we had friends help us; greatly since then. Throughout our days He has been our stay.Lifeis THIS?

meanderings 6/4/20 10:11 AM

Call me Ishmael. Some years agonever mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It IS a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation.

Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off — then, I account it high time to get to <the> sea as soon as I can.

David loves what images can do anytime o0

To those who still struggle, God says: “Wait on Me.” Try be awaiting in the right place. Jesus doesn’t tell us to stay in Jerusalem, but He does tell us to remain honest, stay faithful, stay true.

Consider the Truths of My Kingdom as well worth all search, all sacrifice. Dig down into the soil. Dig when it means toil, fatigue. Above and below the ever-present material you must look for My Hidden Treasure. It is not what you say, but what you perceive, that will influence other lives. My Spirit will communicate this to you and also those round you. So for their sake’s delve.

Consider the Truths of My Kingdom as well worth all search, all sacrifice. Dig down into the soil. Dig when it means toil, fatigue. Above and below the ever-present material you must look for My Hidden Treasure. It is not what you say, but what you perceive, that will influence lives. My Spirit communicates this, to you and also to those round you. So for their sake’s delve.



do believe it

they do not be afraid

a glorious chorus do we will enjoy;

IF we see the forest for the trees. quite simple to do.

Ah so. BUT:


/\ 0 / o \ / 0 \ / o \ O / o \ 0 / o \ o / O \ o / 0 \ O / o \ 0 / o \ 0 / o \ O / \ o / 0 \ / o \ O/ O \ O / 0 \

​WE both aspired to make music in college, 1988
it was that she and i had a long, serious talk about
causes, and what music could do.

we’re never spoken to; aside from
a few adventuresome young adults;
but even they peter out. my vents are
not purposed to attract ‘f o l l o w e r s;’
and there are no upsetting attachments to
our blogs; here are not hands crossed angry
our blogs; they may be tossed into the waste-bin.

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Dead Sea Scrolls
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is pray-20.gif
we come before our Father, have a sit down, cool-like, and pay attention

From: dean <>
Date: Mon, May 4, 2020, 10:17 PM

…… ………..

a week that the pterodactyl closed Michael Score <I Ran So Far Away> spoke, at length, with one another; about the effort Lee & me attempt to get the word out. advised him in 1986, when camping with my folk’s at Brazos Bend state park in TX, and how, at sixteen, i romanticized about doing music that would play like flock on the radio and stuff, thank all to Bob that spread our tunes; a world over for free! < > X’s for Eyes! is cool-wise between Dancehall Crashers and Madness like some others. we all did play Mercado Caribe‘ @ Austin X’s opened for fish in 1991…

that hope of mine got us where we are not… be cool

Billy Graham was born in NC, 23 blocks from Tryon st. and Trade st. NEXT TO THE BUILDING WHERE WE FIRST SAW IN THE ART INSTITUTE IN CHARLOTTE.

be so good they can’t ignore you


On May 4, 2020 at 7:34 PM, David <><

think I was attempting to accomplish

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is cropped-0-2-1-1.jpg
wordpress’s/ three o’clock
what’s wrong with you? nothing?
wisdom rides shotgun
and then some

that time Ken and you said me just appeared at Kuglers Studio in 1997?
Patience it required to be here:

Satisfaction is way tasty. David appreciates you, my sort of go-to man

that i may be somewhat interesting in viewing – dated, inventive, hope’s of mine.

Brazoswood High in Clute, TX. where we graduated from in 1989.

Him: 2nd smartest graduate, the 1st chair French Horn symphonic band: 

Joe, with Eric traded 1st 2nd chairs for, like ever… Joe was Valedictorian that year.

We each knew what to do to get where we each are; current like

Guinivere’s family let me share a thanksgiving meal with her family in 1995-6; I forget which…  and, get this: she was a volunteer at my rehab @ Carolina Medical Rehabilitation😳

Joe and i were great friends since 1983, at Lake Jackson Elementary in Texas, the same year.

just then:


drunk-driver ran straight into me while ‘i’ was waiting for the red light to turn green, Oct. 2nd, 1992; (22.)… can almost imagine listening to empty shits malt-lickher cans falling from the ’69 Chevy Nova (Spanish for no-go) was headed to Elm st., where Dave remained in the chilly house i then shared with 4 way cool, never shmoked with them 8)

No, Becca was a hot number, 18 year old that i took a liking to, moved into the ‘girl’s house’ in Huntsvegas that summer of 1990. tha entire scene was choice! those plan’s of life were going not so smoothly in 1991; fulfilled my aim that was almost shouted: 2nd lunch; ‘member?
my younger teen years were replete with activity towards The Goal. X’s for Eyes… me and a pal, Reid, [bass,] developed after many days and nights plopping pepperoni to dough at Huntsville’s Lake Rd. PIZZA HUT the one, that year the only one, davidb48@ laughed at all the time at 33o1 Lake Road… 

ah…  ‘m hungry; did some shopping: Carnation Instant Breakfast
laters…  all your gooder NC pal,  fellow, whatever…
till then?

Harold and Maude



if you believe it, it’s true?” sound like… ah, buggers: “WHY WOULD I DO THAT?” dig i t be c a r f u l you‘re being o b s e r v e d 60 MINUTESDO YOU FEEL IT?” yup it is

sorta review: :


CHECK IT OUTTHIS be THE first OFhey Mike!dig
have a hear two o’ my friends
love song, space age



respect that no one really

wants to earn; not this way.

Thank all vets from the bottom

of my heart and soul. so few the

population even heed’s those who

tragedy they have absolutely no concept

of; therefor they do not respect any Marines,

Seamen, Soldiers, Airmen, Coast Guard men…

there should be a law that said every man who enjoys

those freedom’s bought via some good United States

Citizen laying down; in a deathly rest, making certain

all those born in a USA continue to have the rights

to continue doing things: refusing support Wounded Warrior Project

burn the flag, cuss police, not to honor Firemen, a

first responder, any of the few selfless Americans

who demonstrate THEIR love our fine country…



mercy mercy me

city blues

dowho sees this?S.F. – Billy Holiday
Change is gonna come WHAT’S GOING ON 0000 .0.

Some persons may know that we live in a time were so many topics are passé including GOD.
But when you need the muscles to make it through a situation. God gives you the strength.
regardless if you give him the credit for it. When you need answers to questions tha
that plague you. God gives you the wisdom to make the right decisions; you may
you may not take heed to that wisdom or you may decide that you have a

When the weight of the world squeezes you until you feel like
you can’t breathe God offers peace to you. He declared it.
He declared it when he said that the reason why you see
why do see only one set of footprints s because He is
CARRYING YOU! You make the choice you would
you would rather walk that dark path alone or
not. God wants to be there in your life. God
wants to carry your burdens for you.
to give you the peace that passes all

you just have to wantit, ‘ve no idea if my posts are even E V E R seen! wth? blog/2469150/33-verses-about-fear-and-anxiety/33

Wisdom is Him, strength is Him, He is our friend, He is God.

all the while, being aware of the state of this world:

corona as of 4/22/2020, 8:39:39 PM

What do you think is a reason

why prayer is futile?

prayer is the #1

priority for







ability is rare…

now that ability was

sort of nothing more than

that hope of mine as a teenager.

to settle with an odd ability was the

reality that was accepted; that is just fine

by me; an ultimate success is attained presently

the truth is this; deal with it, regulate your life-choices.

unknowing of this simple commandment will be that key to

knowing what love is actually, not the love collegiate society provides.

This is a key that all of our readers have the true choice. Love God, let Him in.

There will be choices with your gift of independence; that is college. So be prepared.go on, be aware, be careful, pray and believe. with the current state of affairs be a child of God.

Monday April 20, 2020 10:01.9PM


4/232/20 2:48.44PM

Let Heaven fill your thoughts do not

only about things down here on earth.”

How about regular ladle dips into the well of God’s return?

…… Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 4:47 PM Jose San Martin @ …….

If you do as you believe, then you are already prepared.

God has a plan for you and yours. Believe it all by faith.

you, all must play our part.

Sunday, Apr 19, 2020 at 3:35

when you YOU can, thanks, very much.

David feels that something is about to occur:

Life is a out to eat, for me, anyhow; the recent words can be thrown way back;

the distance’s up to to

you, as a true, old friend to David and reserved to Him, another true friend that

some don’t regard,  believe in. However, it seems that now is the time to get tour

things done that need doing, and for each astern, if not imperative, suggestion:

Be ready. May be the regret that some of you to not take a serious look at your life.

Why avoid the obvious, there is a thing that is late in coming;don’t even think over

your past, no use in that. that will only way you down regret’s a heavy thing that some

jump into, so hoping a good mind is you, a true friend, almost a sibling, look into what’s happening; or things that need doing,

This could be a stern, if not imperative, suggestion:  Be ready. avoid that regret, some of you

to not take a serious look at your life. Why avoid the obvious, there is a thing that is late in it’s

arrival; don’t even think over your past, no use in that; will only way you down Regret’s

a heavy subject that some jump into.

David’s so hoping a good mind is in you, a true friend, almost a sibling,

look into what’s happening, for your own sake, heed this opportunity.

This is totally your own decision or not…

Do ask Jesus Christ what you should do.

I’d be in conversation with Him.

There is no insight, knowing on my

part that has yet to be known to each

of you as to the seriousness of your responses.

It’s late in the game for some of member’s in my

personal life. As for those member’s in which this

note is intended for, to those who own said opinion:




David’s history

was, think, replete

with a possibility, we

did memory gymnastics.

Be ready to go. I care for all, not all kept in

touch with, or visited, THANK YOU SHANNON,

me post trauma

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 0-2.jpg

You that did,

and if you may still, as you had…
David holds that same special admiration.
hope ‘ll be talking to next year; now do allow
your deep memory do it’s stuff for that unvoiced response.

more wisdomwisdom
even more; wisdom
‘m not Elijah.

a closer neighbor to the dead ridden communistic place:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 0-13.jpg
‘m not Johnathan, 

\o/ /o\ yes, another attempt, some see it, most do not. insomuch

Spc. Mitchell Eidsvold (left), Spc. Michael Hons (center), and Sgt. Scott Jenson (right) of the 191st Military Police Company race towards the finish line of the Fallen Soldiers Memorial 12K run, while wearing full combat equipment and carrying the American Flag. The run took place in Devils Lake, N.D. on June 23, 2012. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Brett Miller, 116th Public Affairs Detachment) (Released)


Astonished us how only late last week had the total dead here in America the total DEAD

doubled in three days! stupid reality that FEW practicing 6 feet apart life or death guideline…

people are going to die, we do fear; the germ cells don’t fly into mouths, it’s all the close contact that is seemingly escalating, getting more active. it needs to discontinue, IF NOT STOP. That action is personal; it might not boil down to you having a choice. WHAT? either wish to continue tyour life, or remain in the dangerous situations that are for sure going to get you. IT ISN’T THAT SIMPLE, at times we more than understand. it may just be a hard, hard, way to learn how toto removing this death epidemic itsel.

this ‘pemic stuff – – – flu

please, PLEASE be safe, do deal with social distancing! this comic are all touching on a deadly situation; Do so hope this ‘jackass’ truth is not making light of America’s situation,


ALL need to fear this deadly result: mingling with those who don’t know they carry the virus!

hear ye hear ye
it’s not me.
was me

This block contains unexpected or invalid content.Attempt Block Recovery;t=7s

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wordpress/ JOY!
we’re never spoken to; aside from
a few adventuresome young adults;
but even they peter out. my vents are
not purposed to attract ‘f o l l o w e r s;’
and there are no upsetting attachments to
our blogs; here are not hands crossed angry
our blogs or they are tossed into the wastebin…

lettuce have a The Holy Ghost revIvaI!
It is this sinners pleasure to send
sweet synonyms for joy.


Our Lord, we know that Thou Art Great able to deliver us.
I Am your deliverer.  Trust in Me absolutely.  Know that I Will
do the very best for you.  Do be ready and willing for My Will to be
done. Know that with Me all things are possible. Cling joyfully to that truth.
Say many times, “All things are possible with My Master, My Lord, My Friend.”
This truth, accepted and firmly believed in, the ladder up which soul can climb from
lowest of pits to elevated of heights. If it be so, our God whom we serve; is able to deliver us
from the burning fiery furnace,  He will deliver us out of thine hand, O King. 
Daniel 3:17 — Psalm 18.6
Because strait is the gate,
and narrow is the way,
which leadeth to life

is few
there be
that find it.
Matthew 7:14

We seek Thee as
in Thou hast told us.
In seeking you shall find;
for when He see’s you seeking
one sought My Presence in vain.
No one ever sought My Help in vain.
A breath of desire and My Spirit is there
replenish and renew. Sometimes weariness
exhaustion aren’t signs of lack of spirit but the
guiding The Spirit. Wonderful things you not have
happened but the physical weariness, mind-weariness
My servants, which made resting apart; giving up of work,
a necessity, Though My Way may seem a narrow way, yet leads
to Life, abundant Life. Follow it. It’s not so narrow but that I can tread
beside you. Never lonely with such companionship. A Comrade infinitely
strong, and He
will go the with you.
Now unto Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the Presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever.    Amen.    Jude 1:24-25
tongue-talking woman of God. May God alone be glorified..

Time Life is the master of reminding us of the lessons learned via one of the major tool that has shaped our nation of America here in the United States of America. The nation very full of opportunity that has attracted every type of individuals to our tiny dot of a nation; considering that we have a most affluent society in the world. dig? don’t have to, cool?

April 3, 2020 2:42.26 PM


events are clicking together very nicely; never one to hide things, especially on this internet.

so, read on:

(not going to educate any on what these notes construe or create. that is up to your own self)


…………………………………. CHRIST THE SUM OF ALL SPIRITUAL THINGS ……………………..……………


Watchman Nee

……. Christ-the-Sum-of-All-Spiritual-Things-by-Watchman-Nee-1973-Paperback-/49 …….Love Jesus?


Watchman Nee was born in 1903 in Swatow, China; a answer to his mother’s prayer.

Having already born two daughters, prayed if God should give her a son, she would

give him back to God. The boy grew up, showed every sign: promise except he had

no interest in things spiritual. It was not till he was seventeen years of age that he was met by the Lord. He knew at that time that he must accept Christ Jesus as his Savior, yet he struggled over the necessity of surrendering his life to the Lord. The love of Christ finally overwhelmed him and he capitulated to Christ. This was on April 29, 1920. He had such a love for the Word of God that he studied it almost incessantly, within a very short period having read the whole Bible several times. He began to witness for Christ to his school mates and soon earned the nickname “preacher.”

In searching the Scripture, he, with a few other believers discovered simplicity and purity that is towards Christ. He determined to follow the Word of God explicitly…nothing but The Word.

In 1927 he began his life work in Shanghai, where he was able to practice the vision which The Lord had shown him in The Word. He understood that the eternal that purpose of God is Christ and His Church. Through the mighty working of The Holy Spirit and the faithful ministry of this servant of God, this testimony spread over the vast land of China.

In 1949, the Communists took over China. Knowing what would be there waiting for him back home nonetheless felt strongly his responsibility toward God, His Church. So he returned to China from Hong Kong in 1950. In April of 1952 he was seized and put in prison. He was later falsely accused as a spy; was sentenced: twenty years of imprisonment. In prison he was not allowed to do anything but what was assigned him by prison authority. Then, at the expiration of his sentence term, and was not released, the news arrived quickly he died faithful to God.
God help
THE PUBLIC of Our United States of America
Mr. Ken Hovind may not be thinking for themselves, it will

is not all of these things are way under the, your, our radar


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Lalania Riley HallLee Cammack


open boarders are ahead
of their time; i think; it’s a
tragedy the less civilized of
countries have not yet been
masters of self control. only
the elders of h thinkers did an
examining of this; the head of a
communistic regime is being held
back from action that would not be
suitable, insomuch as pleasing those
higher-ups of that ruling class. it’s a big
big conception that the actual rulers of the
biggest population, on earth only let that guy
THINK his power is the end-all-be-all. Chinese?

‘been there (democracy) done that,’ ages, ions ago

Child of Him reminds us: 135646140/posts/104528

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Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls… For my yoke is easy and my burden is light…

calm down, there are the king’s about this end of stuff: pay attention a recommendation, a NEWand last,commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER, as I HAVE LOVED YOU.

This block contains unexpected or invalid content.Attempt Block Recovery

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

fear not
are new each day.




We are here to heal not harm.  

We are here to love not hate.  We are here to create not destroy.

The Great Mystery  Wakan Tanka.  If only more could remember, all,

What a beautiful world this would be.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is cropped-5f4c916b29b5f6a3ba4225baa1647bd7.jpg
in the summer
of 1988, band practice,
Lalania and i discussed
our respective faith in God; where we said as either of us… perish before we grow old,
That we each a that
our ambition’s will
be realized before
we die; both of us
knew where we
we each headed;
Mrs. Riley Hall
married, had 5
boys, which is
her hope, her
being trooper
material; she
knew in her
heart God’s
going to be
when ever
she was,
and she
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 5beee4b0dce37624a8d84ec63eb2ce40.jpg
Lee we would
appreciate it;
as will David.

Listen to Charles;
hear what’s spoken;
disobedience will convict you; He will change your
heart’s aim. My story is
not important here; do
not wish to tell it…

But, as Lalania
and i promised
each other that
whoever goes
when our
time’s up
we did
say to
“I will
be waiting,
and will save
you a seat for you;
on the clouds above in His wonderful Heaven.”

later that year never did learn sall she knew, but
respected her mind…
This awareness we
shared, of Him,
was our thing.


e v e r y o n e needs go hear this… e v e r y o n e best understand that everything you are can

be GONE in an instant. Be prepared. next sin you commit, well… that is exactly about Jesus.



There is a disturbance OUR beloved country.
Life is a out ti, well the most recent words can be thrown way back; the distance’s up to to you, a true you, an old friend of David Buckle and deserve of Him, another true friend that some who don’t regard believe in.However, it seems that now’s the time to get your stuff, to have things, done, that need doing, done. and for each: this, stern, if not imperative, suggestion:  Be ready; a regretful decision, some of you, to not taking a serious look at life, why you avoid the obvious?

The near future, a thing that is late in coming;don’t think over your past, no use in that; that will only way you down Regret’s a heavy thing. that some lump into David’s hoping a good mind is yours.

True friend, almost sibling, of mine. Look into what’s up with

your own sake, heed, it is totally your own decision: do/do not.

ask Jesus Christ what you should do. I’d be in conversation with


There is no insight, knowing,on my part,

has yet be known to each of you as to the

seriousness of your response. It’s late in the

game; some of member’s in this personal mind.
As for members this note is intended for, to their

own opinion’s, regard, concept, or knowledge, David’s

history was, I think, replete with a possibility, that we did

no memory gymnastics over.

Be ready to go. I care for all, not all kept in touch post trauma…
You which have, as few as you are, I hold a special admiration.
Hope i’ll be talking to next year. Have a good day, let memory to do it’s stuff for that unvoiced response.

Jose San Martin Apr 16, 2020, 8:39 PM (2 days ago)
Ah your eyes open. Disturbance has been going on for a very long time. I read the biography of LBJ and was surprised at what had been going on during a time tha


I’ve been getting your emails…was really busy with Holy Week the past two weeks so unable to reply but wanted you to know I am receiving them.

Blessings to you & your family,




There is so much in me mind; glad to get an actually get an  e-mail from you with a few thoughts!  HA!  no offense intended, I imagine you’ve seen allot, but you do not devulge much; especially to a book you found on the net.  🤔

2 Attachments

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His word, oo

yet: “it’s all joy.” quit trying to make your own way. may God be your captain. worked for me.

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He is; warning all, Him



This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is amazing_grace_christmas.jpg
Jose San Martin
9:01 PM (March 16, 4:44)

to His

Daily Lesson

In our lives, there will always 
be things that are sad.  Do not 
let them bring you down, instead 
turn them into something beautiful.

There will be times that the sadness
will be too great.  Perhaps you can
use that as a reason to help others.
There is no greater loss than to drive
the Lord from your heart.  All that 
you lose then is what you willingly
threw away and the emptiness 
can never be filled.



There’s just this incredible amount of anxiety.” Source:  the press is for S T U P I D people on earth – socialism is COMMUNISM in diapers –

Christians should live with an eternal perspective in mind. The temporary things of this earth will pass away, but God’s words will never pass away (Luke 21:33)



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whose thinking? whose thinking?

Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” William Goldman

The first person that comes to mind is Gary Vaynerchuk,

whose constant social media posting encourages folks to chase happiness instead of money.

Well, sorry to break it to you, but life is pain. If you do not accept this, life is going to break your heart on a daily basis.

The pursuit of happiness? How does that even work? How does one go about it? How long does it last?

Don’t wish for fairytales. Just don’t.

The truth is that you have to make use of your suffering. That you must do your best to choose the battles you want to fight.

Do what is hard every single day, do what is meaningful, and happiness will come as a by-product of your actions.


“People always get what they want. But there is a price for everything. Failures are either those who do not know what they want or are not prepared to pay the price asked them. The price varies from individual to individual. Some get things at bargain-sale prices, others only at famine prices. But it is no use grumbling. Whatever price you are asked, you must pay.” – W.H. Auden

There’s a price that one must pay for anything. The price is sometimes time, sometimes energy, sometimes compromising oneself.

If someone has more than you, if someone is better than you at a certain skill, you can rest assured that they are worst than you in other areas.

We get what we are willing to sacrifice for.

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People. Teens, 20-Somethings, Adults even;
there’s a theory in THIS head that has been
RUNNING A RACE that doesn’t seem to our
run-of-the-mill-situation: those on this web in
the mass media market – media is bullshit on
EVERY desktop. there’re tricks that newbies,
and even those who THINK they know some
stuff concerning this ill WORLD-WIDE-WEB.

Americans as a whole “should be prepared
that they are going to have to hunker down;
significantly more than we as a country are
doing” in order to stop a spread of covid-19,
said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of National
Institute OF Allergy and Infectious Disease.
— Daniel

Where vigilance should be, strictly, j
to THERE IS OTHER infections. We should
in fact you may like to change THEM ALL; there
is a massive amount of tricks hackers use to get
said ‘keys’ ou identity, reputation, bank accounts,
important records that you may share with those
loved, those  that would never do something big
enough to ruin you. Be on look out for tricksters
that could not care in the least about YOUR own

One trick is to create the illusion that it is alright
to log onto sights by signing into THAT account
and ee n they go so far as to require you to use
the OTHER websight’s password to access that
page that is NOT affiliated WITH the sight you’re
logging onto. In so doing you let your passwords
take a cruise an, AND ‘through THEIR tubes’ of
THEIR MAINFRAME, or something like that and
letting any hack full view of YOUR password to a
nest of THEIR wires to THEIR BRAIN SUBSTITUTE.  be careful…

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 5beee4b0dce37624a8d84ec63eb2ce40.jpg
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in fact call them right now…

Life, merger. It’s best not to be too moral; you cheat yourself out of life. 54.28

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Harold and Maude
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 0-13-1.jpg
Lalania Riley RIP

King James Bible

God Calling : Two Listeners
in your browser

May 31 – Prayer Without Words

Pray without ceasing Isaiah

Lord, hear us, we pray.          
Hear and I answer, prayer is the line to Him.

Share personal information carefully.

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Mountain Spirit


Lent 1C
March 10, 2019Luke 4:1-13
Rev. James Dannals

    In some circles, today is known as Temptation Sunday.  Every year, on the first Sunday in Lent, we hear the story of Jesus’ temptation.  And whether we take our cue from Adam and Eve in the Garden, or from Jesus in the wilderness, we are invited to see what has gone wrong with God’s good world and to discover what our own temptation is really all about. 
   In the early church, the season of Lent developed as a time when catechumens, those preparing for Baptism, were formed, and mentored, in the Christian spiritual life.  And what they learned in Lent — what I believe we need to learn during Lent — are the very things we are tempted to avoid:

(1) Life is hard. 
(2) You are going to die. 
(3) You are not that important.
(4) You are not in control. 
(5) Your life is not about you.

    Authentic spirituality is always about letting go. To be signed with the cross in baptism, at the beginning of the journey, is to know ahead of time that Life is hard. That way you don’t waste your life trying to make it easy for yourself.  To know that life is hard is to know that the way of the cross is the way of Life.  

   You are going to die.  Without taking this truth deep in our inner being, we are trapped in a pathological cycle of trying to find whom to blame for it.  As Richard Rohr suggests, all of our wounds must become sacred wounds to prepare us for the final letting go.  In other words, what we need to learn in Lent is that authentic spirituality is about what you do with your pain.
   You are not that important.  The cycle of blame and shame leads to a vicious cycle of an inflated, and then a deflated, sense of self that will become addicted to the need for constant reassurance.  Humility, or authentic self-love, is the spiritual gift one receives from knowing that you are not that important.

   You are not in control.  The Lenten Journey, as with Jesus’ journey in the wilderness, is one of being led to the limits of our own resources and knowing our inability to control outcomes.  This way, we learn to rely upon one another and to trust in the goodness of God.
   Your life is not about you.  You are part of Something much bigger than yourself.  Your job is to listen, obey, and adore. We are part of a Great and Holy Mystery.  If we do not embrace this wondrous Good News, we are tempted to assume that we create all the patterns and it is our job to figure them out by ourselves.  In other words, our primary job is not calculation but contemplation. Contemplation teaches us that nothing is wasted.  There is a lesson in everything that happens to us.  And until you have lived through it, which means to have died in it, it is not yet true.

   One of my favorite Peanuts cartoons shows Lucy shouting to Charlie Brown: “You know what the whole trouble with you is, Charlie Brown?”  Charlie breaks out of a dazed look, peers angrily at Lucy and shouts, “No! And I don’t want to know!  Leave me alone!”  
   The third frame of the cartoon pictures Charlie stomping away from Lucy in disgust.  And the short story concludes with Lucy standing alone, shouting into the distance: “The whole trouble with you Charlie Brown, is you won’t listen to what the whole trouble with you is.”  We are indeed tempted to not listen to what the whole trouble with us is. 

   Peter Gomes wrote,



it is finished; very simple. from the beginning to the end, never a recommendation not just one.

“Temptation as an abstraction does not work very well, and that is why the writers of Gennesis are at very great pains to give temptation a personality, a persona, a character… Thus, in the story, Temptation is given the form of a serpent; a name, the Tempter; and qualities we will recognize and even appreciate. He is called the subtlest of all the creatures… (The) serpent has all the best lines, and we are meant to understand that the serpent is the actor and that Adam and Eve are acted upon.  There is neither anyone nor any thing to shield them from the impact of this, the mother of all temptations…   It reminds one of the Victor Borge piece where the Danish comic recalls a conversation between Adam and Eve…  where Eve, in a fit of unanticipated jealousy, asks Adam: ‘Do you really love me?’  And Adam replies,  ‘Who else?’ It is the intention of Genesis to give us as clear and uncluttered a view of the moral stage as possible, so that we will not fail to get it.”

   At the beginning of his ministry, as Jesus is beginning his life work, he encounters the Tempter in the wilderness.  This episode with the Tempter (in Greek diabolos and in Hebrew satan), this episode in the wilderness occurs immediately after Jesus’ baptism where he hears the words, “You are my beloved.”  Don’t you find it interesting that, immediately after the descent of the Spirit, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted?  Does this not suggest that, however much we may be vulnerable to temptation when we are struggling, and vulnerable to temptation when we are weak, Jesus’ temptations came at a moment of strength, when he was filled with the Spirit?  Is there not something for us to learn here?
    As Gomes reminds us:

“Temptation appeals to moral vanity.  Goodness is inevitably the host for the parasitical temptation, and thus goodness must be constantly addressed and challenged.  When people ask why preachers waste their time on the people in the pews, ‘preaching to the converted’ or ‘preaching to the choir,’ they fail to understand that it is those who aspire to goodness who most need to be reminded of and protected against the dangers of moral ambiguity that is the seed of Temptation. Those who are in church are like those who are in a hospital; they are not there because they are specimens of virtue or health.  They are there because they know their need.  Hospitals are not healthier places than other places, but in the hospital the weapons to fight the illness are ready at hand.”

   So too, it can be with us.    Whether we draw it from reflection upon the goodness of God’s creation or from the life which we as Christians feel ourselves to be beckoned, life as

intends it is a life of becoming.  It is life on the way as distinct from having arrived.  We are called to a dynamic, not a static way of being.  And as every adolescent knows, to this experience of becoming there belongs the sense of not-yet-being, not having achieved what one must achieve in order fully to be.  This sense of impermanence, this not-yet-being, this state of no-fixed-abode, is part of the goodness of God‘s creation.

   As much as we may be tempted to believe that our most dangerous enemy is terrorism, or an economic recession, immigration or those opposed to immigration, capitalism or socialism, republicans or  democrats; every year, on this day, the Church invites us to know that our greatest temptation is all about the desire to have arrived, the desire to possess a permanent abode, the desire to transcend the precariousness of life.

The temptation of Adam and Eve, the Temptation of Jesus, the Temptation of Everyman and Everywoman is to have their being rather than to receive it, daily, like the manna in the wilderness or the “daily bread” of Jesus’ model prayer.  It is the temptation to possess being rather than to trust the One who gives us our being, daily. 
   We have fallen asleep to our true nature.  We have fallen asleep to who we truly are: God’s beloved.  We live much of our lives in a trance.  We are so often mistaken in the way we see God and the way we see ourselves because we have fallen asleep to our true nature. 

We have fallen asleep to who we truly are.  We have failed to trust.

   Let us have the courage and the humility this Lent to be willing to listen to what the whole trouble with us is.


June 21

👍 Someone liked your comment:

“me? a head-injury, i feel you, exactly.
some people enjoy being no more; here.

we, once, walked down the street. Say ‘hi’ to Edie for me, Paul. peace

June 20


Accepting the Status Quo


Atrium HealthhisgentletouchFri, Jun 20, 5:26 PM (22 hours ago)
Billy Graham 1958
Billy Graham 1992
to David BuckleFri, Jun 19, 5:06 PM (20 hours ago)
collection 2019
Billy Graham – Jesus Christ’s friendare we feeling helpless?
Eternity starts as soon as you accept Jesus Christ as your substitute, He loves you.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Atrium Health <>< ><>
Date: Fri, Jun 19, 2020, 2:41 PM what WHAT NC, IS TO US
Accepting the Status Quo is Simply Going Backward

Dear David,

millions across our nation will celebrate Juneteenth,
commemorating the end of slavery in the United States 155 years ago.

While June 19, 1865, was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, on this day, I, along with many others, stand on the shoulders of countless heroes both known and unknown, black, brown and white; who have come before us and have lived and died for the American declaration that all are created equal and all should be free, pursue life, liberty and happiness.

This Juneteenth, feels oddly different from previous years, of celebration, because of the recent, senseless deaths of several people of color. It has made me reflect and recognize how much has been done, but how much farther we have still to go. With this in mind, it was important for me to share some of my personal thoughts on this important day. For my full message, please feel free to read my post:

Accepting the Status Quo is Simply Going Backward.

It’s important to note that if we truly want to understand the roots of anger and despair that has gripped our country in recent weeks, then we need to have deeper conversations about the difficulties being faced and not be content with the status quo. Now, more than ever, we need to understand disparities in health are inextricably linked to disparities in wealth, and we can’t solve for the former unless we are committed to solving for the latter.
Atrium Health,
I’m very proud of the work we are doing to solve for both.

This past February, we had raised our minimum wage to $13.50 per hour.
We made an incredible commitment of $10 million to increase affordable housing options and have invested over $2 billion per year in community benefits.

Through community programs, in place, such as our Kids Eat Free, we are
providing free and nutritious meals to thousands of children every summer and are investing in challenged high schools to give students a pathway to successful careers.
Most recently, we’ve completely eliminated the racial disparities in COVID-19 testing
in Charlotte’s under-served Charlotte communities.

These are just a few examples of what we are doing at Atrium Health – and yet, we know that more still needs to be done. If there is a silver lining from the injustice happening around our country, it’s the amount of good people in our world who are no longer sitting silently on the sidelines. And, I truly believe there are even more who are willing to step up, stare inequality in the face,
and say

no more.”

Real change starts in each of our own hearts
and will require a collective effort.
We must act, together.
We must pledge to be present.
To break down barriers and do our part to close gaps.
To reach out to those who are struggling.
To bring our authentic selves to the table.
To open and promote a space where everyone is welcome.
To have courageous conversations; where
we listen; and learn from one another.
To stand up for what we firmly believe.

in sum:

This 155th Celebration of Juneteenth, we at
Atrium Health
believe it is time for every single one of us
to commit to working as one to eliminate
the systemic racism and prejudice that are
still real in our present as they were in our past.

As the landscape changes, we must change as well.
Standing still and accepting the status quo is simply
going backward.

Eugene A. Woods' Signature
Eugene A. Woods
President & CEO
Atrium Health
© 2020 Atrium Health
1000 Blythe Blvd.
Charlotte, NC

28203-5812, US


June 19

Those who trust God‘s action in them

find that God‘s Spirit is in them-living

and breathing God! Romans 8:6 Messages

June 18

Good Friday makes more sense than Pentecost.

Christ, our substitute. Jesus taking our place. The Savior

paying for our sins. These are astounding yet

embraceable concepts. The fall in the arena of transaction

and substitution, familiar territory for us. But Holy Spirit

discussions lead us into the realm of the supernatural and

unseen. We grow quickly quiet and cautious, fearing that

we cannot see or explain.

# 3 of Three: Lalania Riley (Hall)
#2 of Three: Larry Hilshire

Now see/hear: this is not about me, but The Messenger activity. –

The Chief Commander: Lee Cammack

He will not ever, ever, ever ever give up on you. as long as you do not give up on Him; that’s a given…

pay attention; believe.

pay attention – are powerful


When we feel helpless?
ready for a coming calamity?

strengthen your own faith, along with this valued instruction, an eternal being, listen, learn

few understand their own gift of power that He Gave, that power is in all of us. listen to truth.
Why is it that when we speak to God, we are called pray-ers but when He speaks to us, we
‘re called schizophrenic? -o Lily Tomlin
He wakens me, morning by
morning; He awakens,
ears to hear
He waking
me morning by
morning, wakens
my ear, to listen like
one that is being taught.
Paul Harvey speaks: n0FF13u13WE

view the3rdonlive @

“once in a lifetime” ‘5IsSpAOD6K8’
X’s for Eyes is the act i spoke of that
would be when i got to college, John’s.
now, THAT was a bit tooo many ‘i’s,’ that
band was not, specific – wise, about David.
A promise, kept by Him. 1988 it was, after see
-ng THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS con Shannon Smith
AT ROCKEFELLERS stage. About a month ten days
AFTER me and mt Dad caught Maynard Ferguson do
his thing on his HIGH VOLTAGE tour. That inspiration
was smooth. It had a strangely recommending urge to it.
Set with inspiration, David found himself having lunch, in
Brazoswood HIGH School; with fellow jazz band-mates, (1st
lunch) as usual he had a great story to tell about his Thursday
night exploit with his Father. “Man! The club was too sweet, i:e
ROCKEFELLER’S, a stage was small but big enough to hold those
acts that David was int-o the venue was a disco, Dave did frequent
in late-hours/early-mornings that year, it’s side-stage in by the bayou
was the scene that week of our Houston dates: @ THE AXIOM/PTL; the
truth be known: PTL was gritty hole in the ground, the gig was the better
‘paper announcer’: PUBLIC NEWS that seems to have gone way of the dodo
PTL was not deserving of a refined actsuch as THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS, they
didn’t show at the disco by the river, blocks away from DOWNTOWNGROUNDS
space-city’s precursor to STARBUCKS; at least in that hamlet.. anyways; where we
headed? uh, ‘m not sure. the brain injury that met me in 1992 fiddles with this mind
still, it is not me who can
convince any of you; but
David can only share the
thing that woke me from
a slumber that began the
week after my ‘accident’.
in that period of time the
truth came. it’s the job of
me who was asleep like a
great many of you, my old
relations in my time being
a citizen of the best state for
us to grow inside of. freedom
was key; making mistakes, that
sort of freedom: to learn via the
trial’s and error of our ways. it is
that gift that had eclipsed October
second, 1992, 11:3?, as driving that
glorious honduh rebel 250. that type
of transportation is never one that you
should be warned from; THAT is not the
intent of this writing, in a style praised by
a junior year English teacher: Ron Rozelle.
to transfer mood, and provide insight to the
audience chosen about personal concepts was
the key ingredient: the university choice for me.

this ‘vaccine’ they (who are ‘they,’ well, ‘ll tell you:’) we don’t know, neither do any except them

* Who “theywho are ‘they who seem responsible for every organization’s bureaucratic hassles.

* How to stop looking for someone to blamE. someone or some thing to come to the rescue we are all alonecue. WE’RE ALL ALONE

* How to experience the job satisfaction and pleasure that comes from taking ownership,solving problems.

Who Are “They?”

UPDATE: we almost let the vanity of accomplishment and success reach deeper in our pockets…

let’s go suboceania, way, way down deep, deep down… you know, where the fish sleep.

THANK YOU, God, for the ability to spread your positiveness and love you have to us on earth.

supposedly ‘h i d d e n,’ yet, that was never the intent. for aware perusal check this one out, dig?

nothing but Christ

folk that did

what’s that

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when will you die
the drum gets louder
if you remember, who they are
Elon for president
written a few, not published, i figured, a better way of letting
population chosen to read our stuff is: World Wide Web.

IMAGINE THIS BEING ATTUNED TO OUR VERY REALITY NOW, it’s like our present American life


Liz? how i wish we could share a telephone talk

we’ve to have more cowbell

Island Girl – John Stansal, composer

Last 30 days Audience size123k people ROTTEN; TO HAVE ADs ON OUR SIGHT’S we DON’T LIKE

in come live with me in the Unseen,




i am not afraid to trust in The Holy Spirit. regardless of the recent statements of “i”, and it seeming vain and self-serving, let me assure you: Such is in no way factual, i work for Him.

a sort of enthused effort to garner past viewers to come back.

you go to funerals often, Harold?

updated; as are most of the pages Lee puts up

and that being said all are encouraged to visit our sight on all remembered revisiting – there will be no ‘newer’ posts as of a few days ago. we had attempted to gain followers as nest as a wholesome ingredient provider can/could. all lurid posts, the mass of web-traffic seem to go the easy r0ute: seks, dogas & free stuff… “THERE ‘AIN’T NOTHING FREE, AND TOO DAMN LITTLE FOR A BUCK ANYMORE.” – well, there ya have it: the world is all consumed with the god of the air. it’s plan is for to do as you will, forgetting deserved ramifications. to those it is responded with displeasure coupled with pleasure; see… a sinful character are always welcome in Jesus’ corner, just as you are; no past behavior will be remembered, providing a sinners regret/faith is genuine. all are welcome. there is not a ticket, or ANY ‘price’ required. come as you are; He will not be fooled. GO AHEAD TRY. do enjoy His bigmercy to all.

.-.-.-.-. .-.-.-.-.

Mark Armstrong, The Wo

nothing but Christ
…………. …….. ..

  .o.  .o. .o.

Tiffany P.

1992. Be advised that we had friends help us; greatly since then. Throughout our days He has been our stay.

Life is THIS?

meanderings 6/4/20 10:11 AM

Call me Ishmael. Some years agonever mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It IS a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation.

To those who still struggle, God says: “Wait on Me.” Try be awaiting in the right place. Jesus doesn’t tell us to stay in Jerusalem, but He does tell us to remain honest, stay faithful, stay true.

Consider the Truths of My Kingdom as well worth all search, all sacrifice. Dig down into the soil. Dig when it means toil, fatigue. Above and below the ever-present material you must look for My Hidden Treasure. It is not what you say, but what you perceive, that will influence other lives. My Spirit will communicate this to you and also those round you. So for their sake’s delve.
Consider the Truths of My Kingdom as well worth all search, all sacrifice. Dig down into the soil. Dig when it means toil, fatigue. Above and below the ever-present material you must look for My Hidden Treasure. It is not what you say, but what you perceive, that will influence lives. My Spirit communicates this, to you and also to those round you. So for their sake’s delve.



do believe it

they do not be afraid

a glorious chorus do we will enjoy;

IF we see the forest for the trees. quite simple to do.

Ah so. BUT:


/\ 0 / o \ / 0 \ / o \ O / o \ 0 / o \ o / O \ o / 0 \ O / o \ 0 / o \ 0 / o \ O / \ o / 0 \ / o \ O/ O \ O / 0 \

​WE both aspired to make music in college, 1988
it was that she and i had a long, serious talk about
causes, and what music could do.

we’re never spoken to; aside from
a few adventuresome young adults;
but even they peter out. my vents are
not purposed to attract ‘f o l l o w e r s;’
and there are no upsetting attachments to
our blogs; here are not hands crossed angry
our blogs; they may be tossed into the waste-bin.

Dead Sea Scrolls
we come before our Father, have a sit down, cool-like, and pay attention

From: dean <>
Date: Mon, May 4, 2020, 10:17 PM

…… ………..

a week that the pterodactyl closed Michael Score <I Ran So Far Away> spoke, at length, with one another; about the effort Lee & me attempt to get the word out. advised him in 1986, when camping with my folk’s at Brazos Bend state park in TX, and how, at sixteen, i romanticized about doing music that would play like flock on the radio and stuff, thank all to Bob that spread our tunes; a world over for free! < > X’s for Eyes! is cool-wise between Dancehall Crashers and Madness like some others. we all did play Mercado Caribe‘ @ Austin X’s opened for fish in 1991…

that hope of mine got us where we are not… be cool

Billy Graham was born in NC, 23 blocks from Tryon st. and Trade st. NEXT TO THE BUILDING WHERE WE FIRST SAW IN THE ART INSTITUTE IN CHARLOTTE.

be so good they can’t ignore you


On May 4, 2020 at 7:34 PM, David <><

think I was attempting to accomplish

wordpress’s/ three o’clock
what’s wrong with you? nothing?
wisdom rides shotgun
and then some

that time Ken and you said me just appeared at Kuglers Studio in 1997?
Patience it required to be here:

Satisfaction is way tasty. David appreciates you, my sort of go-to man

that i may be somewhat interesting in viewing – dated, inventive, hope’s of mine.

Brazoswood High in Clute, TX. where we graduated from in 1989.

Him: 2nd smartest graduate, the 1st chair French Horn symphonic band: 

Joe, with Eric traded 1st 2nd chairs for, like ever… Joe was Valedictorian that year.

We each knew what to do to get where we each are; current like

Guinivere’s family let me share a thanksgiving meal with her family in 1995-6; I forget which…  and, get this: she was a volunteer at my rehab @ Carolina Medical Rehabilitation😳

Joe and i were great friends since 1983, at Lake Jackson Elementary in Texas, the same year.

just then:


drunk-driver ran straight into me while ‘i’ was waiting for the red light to turn green, Oct. 2nd, 1992; (22.)… can almost imagine listening to empty shits malt-lickher cans falling from the ’69 Chevy Nova (Spanish for no-go) was headed to Elm st., where Dave remained in the chilly house i then shared with 4 way cool, never shmoked with them 8)

No, Becca was a hot number, 18 year old that i took a liking to, moved into the ‘girl’s house’ in Huntsvegas that summer of 1990. tha entire scene was choice! those plan’s of life were going not so smoothly in 1991; fulfilled my aim that was almost shouted: 2nd lunch; ‘member?
my younger teen years were replete with activity towards The Goal. X’s for Eyes… me and a pal, Reid, [bass,] developed after many days and nights plopping pepperoni to dough at Huntsville’s Lake Rd. PIZZA HUT the one, that year the only one, davidb48@ laughed at all the time at 33o1 Lake Road… 

ah…  ‘m hungry; did some shopping: Carnation Instant Breakfast 😁
laters…  all your gooder NC pal,  fellow, whatever…
till then?

Harold and Maude



if you believe it, it’s true?” sound like… ah, buggers: “WHY WOULD I DO THAT?” dig i t be c a r f u l you‘re being o b s e r v e d 60 MINUTESDO YOU FEEL IT?” yup it is

sorta review: :



THIS be THE first OF
hey Mike!
have a hear two o’ my friends
love song, space age
dig 4 MF!



respect that no one really

wants to earn; not this way.

Thank all vets from the bottom

of my heart and soul. so few the

population even heed’s those who

tragedy they have absolutely no concept

of; therefor they do not respect any Marines,

Seamen, Soldiers, Airmen, Coast Guard men…

there should be a law that said every man who enjoys

those freedom’s bought via some good United States

Citizen laying down; in a deathly rest, making certain

all those born in a USA continue to have the rights

to continue doing things: refusing support Wounded Warrior Project

burn the flag, cuss police, not to honor Firemen, a

first responder, any of the few selfless Americans

who demonstrate THEIR love our fine country…



mercy mercy me

city blues


who sees this? S.F. – Billy Holiday
Change is gonna come WHAT’S GOING ON 0000 .0.

Some persons may know that we live in a time were so many topics are passé including GOD.
But when you need the muscles to make it through a situation. God gives you the strength.
regardless if you give him the credit for it. When you need answers to questions tha
that plague you. God gives you the wisdom to make the right decisions; you may
you may not take heed to that wisdom or you may decide that you have a

When the weight of the world squeezes you until you feel like
you can’t breathe God offers peace to you. He declared it.
He declared it when he said that the reason why you see
why do see only one set of footprints s because He is
CARRYING YOU! You make the choice you would
you would rather walk that dark path alone or
not. God wants to be there in your life. God
wants to carry your burdens for you.
to give you the peace that passes all

you just have to want it, ‘ve no idea if my posts are even E V E R seen! wth? blog/2469150/33-verses-about-fear-and-anxiety/33

Wisdom is Him, strength is Him, He is our friend, He is God.

all the while, being aware of the state of this world:

corona as of 4/22/2020, 8:39:39 PM

What do you think is a reason

why prayer is futile?

prayer is the #1

priority for







ability is rare…

now that ability was

sort of nothing more than

that hope of mine as a teenager.

to settle with an odd ability was the

reality that was accepted; that is just fine

by me; an ultimate success is attained presently

the truth is this; deal with it, regulate your life-choices.

unknowing of this simple commandment will be that key to

knowing what love is actually, not the love collegiate society provides.

This is a key that all of our readers have the true choice. Love God, let Him in.

There will be choices with your gift of independence; that is college. So be prepared.

go on, be aware, be careful, pray and believe. with the current state of affairs be a child of God.

Monday April 20, 2020 10:01.9PM


4/232/20 2:48.44PM

Let Heaven fill your thoughts do not

only about things down here on earth.”

How about regular ladle dips into the well of God’s return?

…… Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 4:47 PM Jose San Martin @ …….

If you do as you believe, then you are already prepared.

God has a plan for you and yours. Believe it all by faith.

you, all must play our part.

Sunday, Apr 19, 2020 at 3:35


when you YOU can, thanks, very much.

David feels that something is about to occur:

Life is a out to eat, for me, anyhow; the recent words can be thrown way back;

the distance’s up to to

you, as a true, old friend to David and reserved to Him, another true friend that

some don’t regard,  believe in. However, it seems that now is the time to get tour

things done that need doing, and for each astern, if not imperative, suggestion:

Be ready. May be the regret that some of you to not take a serious look at your life.

Why avoid the obvious, there is a thing that is late in coming;don’t even think over

your past, no use in that. that will only way you down regret’s a heavy thing that some

jump into, so hoping a good mind is you, a true friend, almost a sibling, look into what’s happening; or things that need doing,

This could be a stern, if not imperative, suggestion:  Be ready. avoid that regret, some of you

to not take a serious look at your life. Why avoid the obvious, there is a thing that is late in it’s

arrival; don’t even think over your past, no use in that; will only way you down Regret’s

a heavy subject that some jump into.

David’s so hoping a good mind is in you, a true friend, almost a sibling,

look into what’s happening, for your own sake, heed this opportunity.

This is totally your own decision or not…

Do ask Jesus Christ what you should do.

I’d be in conversation with Him.

There is no insight, knowing on my

part that has yet to be known to each

of you as to the seriousness of your responses.

It’s late in the game for some of member’s in my

personal life. As for those member’s in which this

note is intended for, to those who own said opinion:




David’s history

was, think, replete

with a possibility, we

did memory gymnastics.

Be ready to go. I care for all, not all kept in

touch with, or visited, THANK YOU SHANNON,

me post trauma

You that did,

and if you may still, as you had…
David holds that same special admiration.
hope ‘ll be talking to next year; now do allow
your deep memory do it’s stuff for that unvoiced response.

more wisdomwisdom
even more; wisdom
‘m not Elijah.
a closer neighbor to the dead ridden communistic place:
‘m not Johnathan, 
\o/ /o\ yes, another attempt, some see it, most do not. insomuch


Astonished us how only late last week had the total dead here in America the total DEAD

doubled in three days! stupid reality that FEW practicing 6 feet apart life or death guideline…

people are going to die, we do fear; the germ cells don’t fly into mouths, it’s all the close contact that is seemingly escalating, getting more active. it needs to discontinue, IF NOT STOP. That action is personal; it might not boil down to you having a choice. WHAT? either wish to continue tyour life, or remain in the dangerous situations that are for sure going to get you. IT ISN’T THAT SIMPLE, at times we more than understand. it may just be a hard, hard, way to learn how toto removing this death epidemic itsel.

this ‘pemic stuff – – – flu

please, PLEASE be safe, do deal with social distancing! this comic are all touching on a deadly situation; Do so hope this ‘jackass’ truth is not making light of America’s situation,


ALL need to fear this deadly result: mingling with those who don’t know they carry the virus!

wordpress/ JOY!
we’re never spoken to; aside from
a few adventuresome young adults;
but even they peter out. my vents are
not purposed to attract ‘f o l l o w e r s;’
and there are no upsetting attachments to
our blogs; here are not hands crossed angry
our blogs or they are tossed into the wastebin…

David Buckle <>< Dean ><> Ken Beebe Joy.

lettuce have a The Holy Ghost revIvaI!
It is this sinners pleasure to send
sweet synonyms for joy.


Our Lord, we know that Thou Art Great able to deliver us.
I Am your deliverer.  Trust in Me absolutely.  Know that I Will
do the very best for you.  Do be ready and willing for My Will to be
done. Know that with Me all things are possible. Cling joyfully to that truth.
Say many times, “All things are possible with My Master, My Lord, My Friend.”
This truth, accepted and firmly believed in, the ladder up which soul can climb from
lowest of pits to elevated of heights. If it be so, our God whom we serve; is able to deliver us
from the burning fiery furnace,  He will deliver us out of thine hand, O King. 
Daniel 3:17 — Psalm 18.6
Because strait is the gate,
and narrow is the way,
which leadeth to life

is few
there be
that find it.
Matthew 7:14

We seek Thee as
in Thou hast told us.
In seeking you shall find;
for when He see’s you seeking
one sought My Presence in vain.
No one ever sought My Help in vain.
A breath of desire and My Spirit is there
replenish and renew. Sometimes weariness
exhaustion aren’t signs of lack of spirit but the
guiding The Spirit. Wonderful things you not have
happened but the physical weariness, mind-weariness
My servants, which made resting apart; giving up of work,
a necessity, Though My Way may seem a narrow way, yet leads
to Life, abundant Life. Follow it. It’s not so narrow but that I can tread
beside you. Never lonely with such companionship. A Comrade infinitely
strong, and He
will go the with you.
Now unto Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the Presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever.    Amen.    Jude 1:24-25
tongue-talking woman of God. May God alone be glorified..

Time Life is the master of reminding us of the lessons learned via one of the major tool that has shaped our nation of America here in the United States of America. The nation very full of opportunity that has attracted every type of individuals to our tiny dot of a nation; considering that we have a most affluent society in the world. dig? don’t have to, cool?

April 3, 2020 2:42.26 PM


events are clicking together very nicely; never one to hide things, especially on this internet.

so, read on:

(not going to educate any on what these notes construe or create. that is up to your own self)


…………………………………. Christ The Sum of All Spiritual THINGS ……………………..……………


Watchman Nee

……. Christ-the-Sum-of-All-Spiritual-Things-by-Watchman-Nee-1973-Paperback-/49 …….

Love Jesus?

About Watchman NeE/DJB

Watchman Nee was born in 1903 in Swatow, China; a answer to his mother’s prayer.

Having already born two daughters, prayed if God should give her a son, she would

give him back to God. The boy grew up, showed every sign: promise except he had

no interest in things spiritual. It was not till he was seventeen years of age that he was met by the Lord. He knew at that time that he must accept Christ Jesus as his Savior, yet he struggled over the necessity of surrendering his life to the Lord. The love of Christ finally overwhelmed him and he capitulated to Christ. This was on April 29, 1920. He had such a love for the Word of God that he studied it almost incessantly, within a very short period having read the whole Bible several times. He began to witness for Christ to his school mates and soon earned the nickname “preacher.”

In searching the Scripture, he, with a few other believers discovered simplicity and purity that is towards Christ. He determined to follow the Word of God explicitly…nothing but The Word.

In 1927 he began his life work in Shanghai, where he was able to practice the vision which The Lord had shown him in The Word. He understood that the eternal that purpose of God is Christ and His Church. Through the mighty working of The Holy Spirit and the faithful ministry of this servant of God, this testimony spread over the vast land of China.

In 1949, the Communists took over China. Knowing what would be there waiting for him back home nonetheless felt strongly his responsibility toward God, His Church. So he returned to China from Hong Kong in 1950. In April of 1952 he was seized and put in prison. He was later falsely accused as a spy; was sentenced: twenty years of imprisonment. In prison he was not allowed to do anything but what was assigned him by prison authority. Then, at the expiration of his sentence term, and was not released, the news arrived quickly he died faithful to God.

God help
THE PUBLIC of Our United States of America
Mr. Ken Hovind may not be thinking for themselves, it will

is not all of these things are way under the, your, our radar


Lalania Riley HallLee Cammack


open boarders are ahead
of their time; i think; it’s a
tragedy the less civilized of
countries have not yet been
masters of self control. only
the elders of h thinkers did an
examining of this; the head of a
communistic regime is being held
back from action that would not be
suitable, insomuch as pleasing those
higher-ups of that ruling class. it’s a big
big conception that the actual rulers of the
biggest population, on earth only let that guy
THINK his power is the end-all-be-all. Chinese?

‘been there (democracy) done that,’ ages, ions ago

Child of Him reminds us: 135646140/posts/104528




Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls… For my yoke is easy and my burden is light…

calm down, there are the king’s about this end of stuff: pay attention
Not a recommendation, a NEW and last, commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER, as I HAVE LOVED YOU.
<p class="has-drop-cap" value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"><a href="; target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a&gt;

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

go love Jesustried, but as it grew older, i thought.
Jose San MartinMar 22, 2020, 9:00 PM (5 hours ago)
even if you say you don’t believe, you believe.True Word of God: King James Bible, why?

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

fear not
are new each day.




We are here to heal not harm.  

We are here to love not hate.  We are here to create not destroy.

The Great Mystery  Wakan Tanka.  If only more could remember, all,

What a beautiful world this would be.

in the summer
of 1988, band practice,
Lalania and i discussed
our respective faith in God; where we said as either of us… perish before we grow old,
That we each a that
our ambition’s will
be realized before
we die; both of us
knew where we
we each headed;
Mrs. Riley Hall
married, had 5
boys, which is
her hope, her
being trooper
material; she
knew in her
heart God’s
going to be
when ever
she was,
and she
Lee we would
appreciate it;
as will David.

Listen to Charles;
hear what’s spoken;
disobedience will convict you; He will change your
heart’s aim. My story is
not important here; do
not wish to tell it…

But, as Lalania
and i promised
each other that
whoever goes
when our
time’s up
we did
say to
“I will
be waiting,
and will save
you a seat for you;
on the clouds above in His wonderful Heaven.”

later that year never did learn sall she knew, but
respected her mind…
This awareness we
shared, of Him,
was our thing.


e v e r y o n e needs go hear this… e v e r y o n e best understand that everything you are can

be GONE in an instant. Be prepared. next sin you commit, well… that is exactly about Jesus.



There is a disturbance OUR beloved country.
Life is a out ti, well the most recent words can be thrown way back; the distance’s up to to you, a true you, an old friend of David Buckle and deserve of Him, another true friend that some who don’t regard believe in.However, it seems that now’s the time to get your stuff, to have things, done, that need doing, done. and for each: this, stern, if not imperative, suggestion:  Be ready; a regretful decision, some of you, to not taking a serious look at life, why you avoid the obvious?

The near future, a thing that is late in coming;don’t think over your past, no use in that; that will only way you down Regret’s a heavy thing. that some lump into David’s hoping a good mind is yours.

True friend, almost sibling, of mine. Look into what’s up with

your own sake, heed, it is totally your own decision: do/do not.

ask Jesus Christ what you should do. I’d be in conversation with


There is no insight, knowing,on my part,

has yet be known to each of you as to the

seriousness of your response. It’s late in the

game; some of member’s in this personal mind.
As for members this note is intended for, to their

own opinion’s, regard, concept, or knowledge, David’s

history was, I think, replete with a possibility, that we did

no memory gymnastics over.

Be ready to go. I care for all, not all kept in touch post trauma…
You which have, as few as you are, I hold a special admiration.
Hope i’ll be talking to next year. Have a good day, let memory to do it’s stuff for that unvoiced response.

Jose San Martin Apr 16, 2020, 8:39 PM (2 days ago)
Ah your eyes open. Disturbance has been going on for a very long time. I read the biography of LBJ and was surprised at what had been going on during a time tha
to me


I’ve been getting your emails…was really busy with Holy Week the past two weeks so unable to reply but wanted you to know I am receiving them.

Blessings to you & your family,


David Buckle <><AttachmentsApr 17, 2020
to ccepiscopal

There is so much in me mind; glad to get an actually get an  e-mail from you with a few thoughts!  HA!  no offense intended, I imagine you’ve seen allot, but you do not devulge much; especially to a book you found on the net.  🤔

2 Attachments

His word, oo

yet: “it’s all joy.” quit trying to make your own way. may God be your captain. worked for me.

this is the way


He is; warning all, Him



Jose San Martin
9:01 PM (March 16, 4:44)

to His

Daily Lesson

In our lives, there will always 
be things that are sad.  Do not 
let them bring you down, instead 
turn them into something beautiful.

There will be times that the sadness
will be too great.  Perhaps you can
use that as a reason to help others.
There is no greater loss than to drive
the Lord from your heart.  All that 
you lose then is what you willingly
threw away and the emptiness 
can never be filled.


For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,

neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,

nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God

that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,

neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,

nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God

that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers 2 of 82 EDIT! A leap of faith Inbox x David Buckle 9:05 PM (2 hours ago) to me ———- Forwarded message ——— From: David Buckle Date: Sat, Mar 7, 2020, 21:00 Subject: Re: A leap of faith To: Eric Celerier , Dad , David Buckle Thank you for the continued messages. Yes, He surprises often. When i feel volunerable, as if there is a test, or a lesson to be learned, i feel said moments are a tiny point where the the trust i have in our Lord shines brightest. Is it wrong to just accept that no matter what occurs that daid event is a reality spurning on activity if trust where whatever is coming, just smile and place the worry at Christ’s feet. I,ve always had the calming notion: ‘What will be will be…’ Acceptance of misfortune and revelling in the idea that regardless what is about to hit my life is woven into the tapestry that is my faithful being; and even when it seems so anticlimactic- that some misfortune is about to hit me; it will not be the end of me. I know that i’m an etwrnal beung who was given a second chance at life. It is all for a distant, or not so distant, it being ‘not for me to say,’ the joy that will be having looked at whatever is happening, or is just about to occur, as a gift given from my Lord and savior. Life is not without it’s acids. But seeing it theough the eyes of Christ comforts and releases me from fear. It must be in the plan. Once again, thank you at sending bright messages to this trusty tool that is a link to share qhat i see, feel, and consider about this nifty life. A life that is for the use of Him, as He sees fit. Am i, are WE, just little gears in a bigger machine, that we will some day understand? Trust is a hard gift to provide; yet along with trust in our Lord the future will be one that ‘m happy to play a part in. Death doesn’t really have a have a grip on me. Not any longer in my life. When it happons it will be His will. And in an effort to help, in a continued life, for His use, it’s just all right with me… Once again: it’s not for me to decide. Check out www efforts as of late: this is just doing an activity (blogging) that is filling my time; it is understood that there is no ‘ticket to Heaven,’ except caithn in God’s only son. On Sat, Mar 7, 2020, 05:05 Eric Celerier wrote: Share on Facebook Share on Facebook Share on Whatsapp Share on Whatsapp Listen in browser Listen in browser Dear David Buckle, Today, Paul Marc Goulet wrote the message of “A Miracle Every Day”. I pray his message and audio will bless you today. — Great progress requires great risk. This past season, I learned the concept of a faith leap in a very practical way. I was skiing in a snowstorm in California. Even though the conditions were horrible, I was having fun in my personal happy place. I really love to ski. The sun was going down, and the snow was pounding my face with a frigid, piercing consistency. I debated for a moment if I should squeeze out one last run or head to my car for safety and warmth. I chose one last run; it almost cost me my life. Have you ever made a bad decision that cost you dearly? The ski lift was fast approaching as it had so many times before, but this time the seat was full of ice and I found myself slipping off. The chair attendants watched in horror as I went higher and higher, clinging onto the rail for dear life. Eventually they stopped it; however, I was between 10 and 12 feet off the ground. Have you ever felt completely vulnerable, as if you were hanging by a thread? I didn’t know what to do… Then I heard their advice with complete horror: “JUMP!” I screamed one short response: “WHAT?!” As if to say: “Are you guys completely nuts?” I weighed my options for a split second, then heard their insistent urging: “JUMP! JUMP!!” I stretched my arms as far as I could and jumped. In 2 Corinthians 5:7, the Bible states that we are to “…walk by faith, not by sight.” Obeying God or making changes in your life requires a leap of faith. It is scary, but I’ve learned you can live by faith or live in fear. Choose faith. You’re a miracle! Paul Marc Goulet — Thank you, Paul Marc, for sharing this today! TODAY, TAKE A LOOK AT THIS “Since I have been reading A Miracle Every Day, I have more faith in God. I have no more fear of the unknown. I can trust God for each and every day. I look forward to reading A Miracle Every Day. Thank you so much, Eric.” (Lorraine, USA) SHARE THE MIRACLE Did this message encourage you, David Buckle? Be a blessing to others and share today’s message with your friend(s)! Share with a friend by email Share with a friend by email Share on Facebook Share on Facebook LET’S CELEBRATE Thank the Lord for these wonderful “A Miracle Every Day” readers who are celebrating their birthdays today! Zoe, Alicia, Trisha, Jayde, Paola, Pamela, Clement, Sarah, Teresa, Darlene, Julia, Audrey, Heather, David, Herman, Cece, Pat, Tekam, Jamianne, George, Favour, Linda, Kay, Marge, Kimberly, Gregory, Summer, Karen, Tela, Emerald, Brenda, Stefana, Shyla, Deionna, Tammy, Maria, Hydia, Dan, Eva, Carolyn, Kia, Ethel, Conrad, Kim, Juliet, George, Monica, Natasha, Anna, Banee, Karen, Alicia, Lindsay, Traci, Alana, Sethabile, Kimberly, Tanysha, Brenda, Ardayrell, Eugene, Adrienne, Josephine, Susanne, Lesley, Ashley, Kate, Clint, Anthony, Jelitssa, Noemi, Edythe, Lesiha, Deborah, Lisa, Caroline, Mary, Angela, Autumn, Julie, Lauri, Matt, Marjorie, Olha, Robert, Alan, Ryry, Bonnie, Sharyn, Jenna, Ayooluwa, Aileen, Bertie, Devi, Evelyn, Kevin, Scott, Kim, Kimberly, Robin, Theresia, Melani, Anissa, Venesha, Kerry, Beth, Gloria, Jennifer. Add your own birthday too and receive a special email when the day comes! DISCOVER MORE On Facebook where I share encouraging information and facts about the Bible! On Instagram to see images and image quotes! On to read about the movement I am involved in. On the Instagram to discover what’s happening behind the screens. In the archive to find all A Miracle Every Day emails. With the LikeJesus app. A tool that daily helps you on your spiritual journey! Languages in which A Miracle Every Day is available! A Miracle Every Day is offered free through the generosity of donors who financially support this ministry. If you want to support too, click here. PREFERENCES Change your preferences: your email, first name, and date of birth. If you have received A Miracle Every Day through a friend, click here to subscribe. If you no longer wish to receive A Miracle Every Day, click here to unsubscribe Eric Célérier – – Rotterdam – The Netherlands Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers 2 of 82 EDIT! A leap of faith Inbox x David Buckle 9:05 PM (2 hours ago) to me ———- Forwarded message ——— From: David Buckle Date: Sat, Mar 7, 2020, 21:00 Subject: Re: A leap of faith To: Eric Celerier , Dad , David Buckle Thank you for the continued messages. Yes, He surprises often. When i feel volunerable, as if there is a test, or a lesson to be learned, i feel said moments are a tiny point where the the trust i have in our Lord shines brightest. Is it wrong to just accept that no matter what occurs that daid event is a reality spurning on activity if trust where whatever is coming, just smile and place the worry at Christ’s feet. I,ve always had the calming notion: ‘What will be will be…’ Acceptance of misfortune and revelling in the idea that regardless what is about to hit my life is woven into the tapestry that is my faithful being; and even when it seems so anticlimactic- that some misfortune is about to hit me; it will not be the end of me. I know that i’m an etwrnal beung who was given a second chance at life. It is all for a distant, or not so distant, it being ‘not for me to say,’ the joy that will be having looked at whatever is happening, or is just about to occur, as a gift given from my Lord and savior. Life is not without it’s acids. But seeing it theough the eyes of Christ comforts and releases me from fear. It must be in the plan. Once again, thank you at sending bright messages to this trusty tool that is a link to share qhat i see, feel, and consider about this nifty life. A life that is for the use of Him, as He sees fit. Am i, are WE, just little gears in a bigger machine, that we will some day understand? Trust is a hard gift to provide; yet along with trust in our Lord the future will be one that ‘m happy to play a part in. Death doesn’t really have a have a grip on me. Not any longer in my life. When it happons it will be His will. And in an effort to help, in a continued life, for His use, it’s just all right with me… Once again: it’s not for me to decide. Check out www efforts as of late: this is just doing an activity (blogging) that is filling my time; it is understood that there is no ‘ticket to Heaven,’ except caithn in God’s only son. On Sat, Mar 7, 2020, 05:05 Eric Celerier wrote: Share on Facebook Share on Facebook Share on Whatsapp Share on Whatsapp Listen in browser Listen in browser Dear David Buckle, Today, Paul Marc Goulet wrote the message of “A Miracle Every Day”. I pray his message and audio will bless you today. — Great progress requires great risk. This past season, I learned the concept of a faith leap in a very practical way. I was skiing in a snowstorm in California. Even though the conditions were horrible, I was having fun in my personal happy place. I really love to ski. The sun was going down, and the snow was pounding my face with a frigid, piercing consistency. I debated for a moment if I should squeeze out one last run or head to my car for safety and warmth. I chose one last run; it almost cost me my life. Have you ever made a bad decision that cost you dearly? The ski lift was fast approaching as it had so many times before, but this time the seat was full of ice and I found myself slipping off. The chair attendants watched in horror as I went higher and higher, clinging onto the rail for dear life. Eventually they stopped it; however, I was between 10 and 12 feet off the ground. Have you ever felt completely vulnerable, as if you were hanging by a thread? I didn’t know what to do… Then I heard their advice with complete horror: “JUMP!” I screamed one short response: “WHAT?!” As if to say: “Are you guys completely nuts?” I weighed my options for a split second, then heard their insistent urging: “JUMP! JUMP!!” I stretched my arms as far as I could and jumped. In 2 Corinthians 5:7, the Bible states that we are to “…walk by faith, not by sight.” Obeying God or making changes in your life requires a leap of faith. It is scary, but I’ve learned you can live by faith or live in fear. Choose faith. You’re a miracle! Paul Marc Goulet — Thank you, Paul Marc, for sharing this today! TODAY, TAKE A LOOK AT THIS “Since I have been reading A Miracle Every Day, I have more faith in God. I have no more fear of the unknown. I can trust God for each and every day. I look forward to reading A Miracle Every Day. Thank you so much, Eric.” (Lorraine, USA) SHARE THE MIRACLE Did this message encourage you, David Buckle? Be a blessing to others and share today’s message with your friend(s)! Share with a friend by email Share with a friend by email Share on Facebook Share on Facebook LET’S CELEBRATE Thank the Lord for these wonderful “A Miracle Every Day” readers who are celebrating their birthdays today! Zoe, Alicia, Trisha, Jayde, Paola, Pamela, Clement, Sarah, Teresa, Darlene, Julia, Audrey, Heather, David, Herman, Cece, Pat, Tekam, Jamianne, George, Favour, Linda, Kay, Marge, Kimberly, Gregory, Summer, Karen, Tela, Emerald, Brenda, Stefana, Shyla, Deionna, Tammy, Maria, Hydia, Dan, Eva, Carolyn, Kia, Ethel, Conrad, Kim, Juliet, George, Monica, Natasha, Anna, Banee, Karen, Alicia, Lindsay, Traci, Alana, Sethabile, Kimberly, Tanysha, Brenda, Ardayrell, Eugene, Adrienne, Josephine, Susanne, Lesley, Ashley, Kate, Clint, Anthony, Jelitssa, Noemi, Edythe, Lesiha, Deborah, Lisa, Caroline, Mary, Angela, Autumn, Julie, Lauri, Matt, Marjorie, Olha, Robert, Alan, Ryry, Bonnie, Sharyn, Jenna, Ayooluwa, Aileen, Bertie, Devi, Evelyn, Kevin, Scott, Kim, Kimberly, Robin, Theresia, Melani, Anissa, Venesha, Kerry, Beth, Gloria, Jennifer. Add your own birthday too and receive a special email when the day comes! DISCOVER MORE On Facebook where I share encouraging information and facts about the Bible! On Instagram to see images and image quotes! On to read about the movement I am involved in. On the Instagram to discover what’s happening behind the screens. In the archive to find all A Miracle Every Day emails. With the LikeJesus app. A tool that daily helps you on your spiritual journey! Languages in which A Miracle Every Day is available! A Miracle Every Day is offered free through the generosity of donors who financially support this ministry. If you want to support too, click here. PREFERENCES Change your preferences: your email, first name, and date of birth. If you have received A Miracle Every Day through a friend, click here to subscribe. If you no longer wish to receive A Miracle Every Day, click here to unsubscribe Eric Célérier – – Rotterdam – The Netherlands

There’s just this incredible amount of anxiety.” Source:  the press is for S T U P I D people on earth – socialism is COMMUNISM in diapers –

Christians should live with an eternal perspective in mind. The temporary things of this earth will pass away, but God’s words will never pass away (Luke 21:33)

without Christ we’re doomed

whose thinking? whose thinking?

Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” William Goldman

The first person that comes to mind is Gary Vaynerchuk,

whose constant social media posting encourages folks to chase happiness instead of money.

Well, sorry to break it to you, but life is pain. If you do not accept this, life is going to break your heart on a daily basis.

The pursuit of happiness? How does that even work? How does one go about it? How long does it last?

Don’t wish for fairytales. Just don’t.

The truth is that you have to make use of your suffering. That you must do your best to choose the battles you want to fight.

Do what is hard every single day, do what is meaningful, and happiness will come as a by-product of your actions.

Envy is the most stupid thing ever

“People always get what they want. But there is a price for everything. Failures are either those who do not know what they want or are not prepared to pay the price asked them. The price varies from individual to individual. Some get things at bargain-sale prices, others only at famine prices. But it is no use grumbling. Whatever price you are asked, you must pay.” – W.H. Auden

There’s a price that one must pay for anything. The price is sometimes time, sometimes energy, sometimes compromising oneself.

If someone has more than you, if someone is better than you at a certain skill, you can rest assured that they are worst than you in other areas.

We get what we are willing to sacrifice for.


People. Teens, 20-Somethings, Adults even;
there’s a theory in THIS head that has been
RUNNING A RACE that doesn’t seem to our
run-of-the-mill-situation: those on this web in
the mass media market – media is bullshit on
EVERY desktop. there’re tricks that newbies,
and even those who THINK they know some
stuff concerning this ill WORLD-WIDE-WEB.

Americans as a whole “should be prepared
that they are going to have to hunker down;
significantly more than we as a country are
doing” in order to stop a spread of covid-19,
said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of National
Institute OF Allergy and Infectious Disease.
— Daniel

Where vigilance should be, strictly, j
to THERE IS OTHER infections. We should
in fact you may like to change THEM ALL; there
is a massive amount of tricks hackers use to get
said ‘keys’ ou identity, reputation, bank accounts,
important records that you may share with those
loved, those  that would never do something big
enough to ruin you. Be on look out for tricksters
that could not care in the least about YOUR own

One trick is to create the illusion that it is alright
to log onto sights by signing into THAT account
and ee n they go so far as to require you to use
the OTHER websight’s password to access that
page that is NOT affiliated WITH the sight you’re
logging onto. In so doing you let your passwords
take a cruise an, AND ‘through THEIR tubes’ of
THEIR MAINFRAME, or something like that and
letting any hack full view of YOUR password to a
nest of THEIR wires to THEIR BRAIN SUBSTITUTE.  be careful…
in fact call them right now…

Life, merger. It’s best not to be too moral; you cheat yourself out of life. 54.28

Lalania Riley RIP

King James Bible

God Calling : Two Listeners
in your browser

May 31 – Prayer Without Words

Pray without ceasing Isaiah

Lord, hear us, we pray. Hear
and I answer, prayer
is the line to Him.

Share personal information carefully.

Published by be near us, U.S.

David Buckle wishes u a Merry Christmas - Peace... for communications: Just Jesus, my God We aak all: would the Holy Spirit have anointed contentious disciples? To Peter, disharmony hinders prayer. He tells husbands: “Live with your wives understand: Love her so nothing will stop your prayers” (I Peter 3:7.) & awaiting God to do His Part means us, U.S. working through conflicts, forgiving offenses, resolving disputes, resolving disputes “Always keep yourself united in the Holy Spirit, bind your-selves together in peace” He does not promise His loved followers a world of ease and pleasures. tell if there's any proof of that: Bur He did/does promise those Joys; that the world cannot either give or take away. what He does: "I promise the heart-rest found in Me alone. It does not mean that all the beauties and pleasures of the world can be renounced, but that they must be enjoyed only the treasures, and Joys of M His Kingdom have been learned, a d appreciated. Love Him. Pay the Godless podus. it's bugging w/our freedom; for what? money, money and greed, it's v p is a walking, cackling kevlar vest. And we gear she knows it; wringng her hand's planning for probable event's to become history. God help U.S. Why IS OUR U.S. Constitution Important? Published in September 14, 2016 Updated: November 18, 2019 Truely considered: July 22; 2o22 Constitution Day is September 17th! Are you going to celebrate? Before you dismiss the idea of celebrating a piece of paper that’s almost 230 years old, you might want to consider just how important it is. The U.S. Constitution is at the foundation of every single law in America. It’s at the heart of how we think, act, and govern as Americans. History of the Constitution: Once the American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776, they had to get down to the business of running their own country. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation in 1777, which was later ratified by the 13 original colonies. But it soon became clear that in their effort not to be dominated by a strong central government like the one ruled by King George III, they’d made their new government too weak. In 1789 a newer constitution was adopted It created a stronger centralized government that shared power among three branches: executive (President), legislative (Congress), and judicial (Supreme Court). That document remains at the bedrock of the way our entire country is run and has an impact on all of our citizens – even you. 10 [ten] ways the Constitution Affects OUR Lives: 1. We can vote in any up-coming election (if you’re 18 and registered) 2. WE can go to any church you choose. 3. WE can say (and write) whatever WE want. [ censirs go to Hell! ] 4. You can own a firearm 5. WE can either independantly or gather in groups to participate in protests. 6. OUR property can MOT be searched; without a warrant allowing proper official's to do so. 7. WE cannot be forced to testify against ourselves. 8. WE cannot be discriminated against by anyone. 9. WE ARE required to pay OUR proper income tax. 10. WE CAN inhale either smoke or alcohol. no weed, yet... dig it? Go well, Be careful.

44 thoughts on “Jesus is God; de la soul knows this

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