book 1/O3/20216:13PM


“ suicidal—thoughts:
“ si-lolita:
“ misunderstoodpast:
“ bitchez:
“ hello-beautiful-youth:
“ If you don’t reblog this I’m judging you.
oh my gosh :(((
oh god
oh no this broke my heart...
tragedy, bless their hearts

WE are not perfect; but

darkness into the Light


current: this

IS the current political strife
their life for? surely not.

Published by be near us, U.S.

David Buckle wishes u a Merry Christmas - Peace... for communications: Just Jesus, my God We aak all: would the Holy Spirit have anointed contentious disciples? To Peter, disharmony hinders prayer. He tells husbands: “Live with your wives understand: Love her so nothing will stop your prayers” (I Peter 3:7.) & awaiting God to do His Part means us, U.S. working through conflicts, forgiving offenses, resolving disputes, resolving disputes “Always keep yourself united in the Holy Spirit, bind your-selves together in peace” He does not promise His loved followers a world of ease and pleasures. tell if there's any proof of that: Bur He did/does promise those Joys; that the world cannot either give or take away. what He does: "I promise the heart-rest found in Me alone. It does not mean that all the beauties and pleasures of the world can be renounced, but that they must be enjoyed only the treasures, and Joys of M His Kingdom have been learned, a d appreciated. Love Him. Pay the Godless podus. it's bugging w/our freedom; for what? money, money and greed, it's v p is a walking, cackling kevlar vest. And we gear she knows it; wringng her hand's planning for probable event's to become history. God help U.S. Why IS OUR U.S. Constitution Important? Published in September 14, 2016 Updated: November 18, 2019 Truely considered: July 22; 2o22 Constitution Day is September 17th! Are you going to celebrate? Before you dismiss the idea of celebrating a piece of paper that’s almost 230 years old, you might want to consider just how important it is. The U.S. Constitution is at the foundation of every single law in America. It’s at the heart of how we think, act, and govern as Americans. History of the Constitution: Once the American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776, they had to get down to the business of running their own country. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation in 1777, which was later ratified by the 13 original colonies. But it soon became clear that in their effort not to be dominated by a strong central government like the one ruled by King George III, they’d made their new government too weak. In 1789 a newer constitution was adopted It created a stronger centralized government that shared power among three branches: executive (President), legislative (Congress), and judicial (Supreme Court). That document remains at the bedrock of the way our entire country is run and has an impact on all of our citizens – even you. 10 [ten] ways the Constitution Affects OUR Lives: 1. We can vote in any up-coming election (if you’re 18 and registered) 2. WE can go to any church you choose. 3. WE can say (and write) whatever WE want. [ censirs go to Hell! ] 4. You can own a firearm 5. WE can either independantly or gather in groups to participate in protests. 6. OUR property can MOT be searched; without a warrant allowing proper official's to do so. 7. WE cannot be forced to testify against ourselves. 8. WE cannot be discriminated against by anyone. 9. WE ARE required to pay OUR proper income tax. 10. WE CAN inhale either smoke or alcohol. no weed, yet... dig it? Go well, Be careful.

16 thoughts on “book 1/O3/20216:13PM

    And now for something completely different:

    Things taken notice of: today is the anniversary of
    Martin Luther’s excommunication.

    Bet those fault-finder’s had imagine themselves as
    to be saving the mass from a sinner; perhaps for the
    sake of their own piety.

    ‘We are all falling short of His perfection. Deal.’

    “All is Vanity” the 1998 Episcopalian Assistant Rector,
    himself was not all excommunicated, I hope, but was
    forced from his position in the church for only being
    man did once exclaim in the upstairs hallway beside
    the huge cafeteria at St. Peters Episcopal in Charlotte.

    an inquiry: Is it intentional to note Saint Peters, OR
    Saint Peter’s? Think that faithful denomination had
    been through intense debate over the said choice?
    Perhaps there was a faction of “holier than thou”
    parishoners asking the same. May be that those
    responsible the choice only hoped to save ink. 🤔?


  2. – In Remembrance –
    Pauline Reedy Hart
    October 19, 1931
    August 6, 2013
    age 81

    Sunset and evening star,

    And one clear call for me!
    may there be moaning at the bar,
    When I put out to sea.

    But such a tide as moving seems asleepT
    Too full for sound and foam,
    When that which drew from out the boundless deep
    Turns again home.

    Twilight and evening bell,
    And after that the dark!
    And may there be no sadness of farewell’
    When I embark;

    For though from out our bourne of Time and Place
    The flood may bear me far
    I hope to see my Pilot face to face
    When I have crossed the bar.
    – – Alfred Tennyson


  3. Date: Sun, Jan 3, 2021, 1:37 PM
    America needs armor; of God.
    When asking Gary: What was
    the Lutheran denomination all
    about? His answer eludes me,
    the idea of that denomination
    as being very much like Episcopalianism.

    You know: a prize photograph of mine is still,
    ‘m hoping is hanging in the first room, as you
    ascend the main stairs of Saint Peter’s Catholic
    Churches parish house: S. Tryon, Charlotte, NC
    is still there. It was framed for David Buckle by
    Ken Beebe in 1998 I think.

    “Catholicism is very similar to Episcopalianism;
    barring the guilt.”
    will get back to you with that jpeg; it’s someplace
    in this here nifty second brain of mine. (an iMAC)

    😮 dean @ Sally @
    fro, plop
    that into a Google search to see
    what comes from tapping that! 🤓 joy!


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